Minutes of the September Membership Meeting

RE Paul Morrison called the meeting to order at 8pm with 17 member and 1 guest present.

The treasurer/membership reports were approved on a motion by Carl Holbrook, seconded by Bill Kasmer.

Old Business:

Our Golden Harvest Double Regional has been sanctioned and entry forms will be mailed.

New Business:

Our next meeting will be Oct. 17, 2006 (same location) on a motion by Sandi Kryder, seconded by Bill Pintaric due to the Run Offs in Kansas.

The recent Neohio National at Nelson Ledges had some workers concerned about the sound level of some of the cars.

Discussion about physicals.  Make sure you have all lines filled in..

Nominations were open for the 2007 officer election,

RE  Bill Pintaric
Asst. RE Mike Petrusko
Treasurer Sandi Kryder
Secretary Tom Nutter
Trustee 1 Yr Chris Turkali
Trustee 2 Yr Scott Nutter
                      Bill Kasmer

Nominations will still be accepted at the October meeting.

Motion by Sandi Kryder, seconded by Bill Pintaric to purchase sound equipment not to exceed $1500.  Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 9pm on a motion by Michael Petrusko, seconded by Reed Kryder.  Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted by Tom Nutter, Secretary pro temp.

Minutes of the October Membership Meeting

October Membership Meeting 10/17/06.  Called to order by RE Paul Morrison 8:00 pm

1. Treasurers report - (questions regarding financials contact Sandi Kryder.)

2. Membership report -190 members plus approx. 10 dual members.

3. Accept old minutes. Tabled (copy not available)

4. Mahoning Valley double regional report- 64 entries have come in.

5. Topeka Report-Sandi, Reed, Bill

6. Attendees for Mini-Con November 10-12. Sandi, Bill, Paul

7. Election Nominations opened.

Nominated for RE- Bill Pintaric (Sandi Kryder) 2nd (Greg Alley) closed (Cliff McCandlelss).  Secretary was
instructed to cast a unanimous vote.

 Asst RE- Mike Petrusko (Bill Pintaric) 2nd (Greg Alley) closed(Carl Holbrook). Secretary was instructed to cast a unanimous vote.

Secretary- Tom Nutter (Cliff McCandless) 2nd(Sandi Kryder) closed(Cliff McCandless) Secretary was
instructed to cast a unanimous vote.

Treasurer- Sandi Kryder  Closed (Bill Pintaric) Secretary was instructed to cast a unanimous vote.

2yr Trustee- Bill Kasmer, Scott Lane (unanimous) closed (Cliff McCandless) Secretary was instructed to cast a unanimous vote.

1yr Trustee- Chris Turkali  closed (Cliff McCandless).  Secretary was instructed to cast a unanimous vote.

8. November Membership Meeting scheduled for 11/14

9. Motion to adjourn (Sandi Kryder) 2nd (Greg Alley).  Approved

Submitted by Brad Barnhouse

2006 SCCA National Run-Offs - by Sandi Kryder

“HOLY TOPEKA” is not a phrase anyone at the Run-offsâ ever wants to hear again.  More on that later in the article.

I saw quite a few people from Neohio and MVR at the Run-Offsâ.   It good to see Duane Rost too.

Congratulations to Dave Browning from Neohio for winning the Worker of the Year in Emergency Services,

MVR member Dave Badger worked Tech and Paul Morrison was working for Hoosier. Reed & Sandi Kryder, Matt Miller & Matt Carson were there with Bill & David Pintaric.

Bill Pintaric, David Pintaric, Amy Ruman and David Strittmatter went to the Run-offs.    All finished in the top 10 of their perspective classes.

David Strittmatter finished 8th in F Production
David Pintaric finished 6th in Touring 1 and also won the Hard Charger Award
Bill Pintaric finished 5th in GT Lite
Amy Ruman finished 7th in GT 1
A hearty congratulation to all.

Now on the event itself.  There is a lot of work that needs to be done the SCCA to make this event work in Topeka.

The people in Topeka are very friendly and were helpful to any racer who was trying to find parts.  The welcoming party on Monday evening was very nice.  Food great.  I actually liked it better than the Richland County Fairground welcoming party at Mid Ohio.

Paddock Parking - the paddock map that was posted online did not match the actual paddock spots at the track.  There was a whole lot of confusion about who went where.  The HPT personnel went out of there way to make sure everyone got a spot in the close proximity to where they reserved one.   The paddock spots were way too small for the majority of the teams truck/trailers.

Registration - There was never a line whenever I stopped by registration for something, which was on Oct. 5th, 6th, 8th, & 10th.  There were at least 4 windows open.

Tech - Getting the tech sticker is quick and painless.
Getting teched after a session was a pain in the behind.  We certainly understand why they do it and it is needed, but is there a reason WHY the race car/driver has to stay in impound after its tech has been completed and not released until all the other race cars have been teched?

T & S - This was pathetic.  Friends looking on the internet from homes/offices had results quicker than the competitors.  Case in point - Bill Pintaric qualified at 1:30pm on Monday.  We did not have results until 10am on Tuesday.  It did not get much better as the week went.  The building is very nice (although I have heard that it would be much better if the T&S people could actually see the cars as they went by).

HPT - The tech building is top notch.  The garages that competitors can rent (for an exorbitant amount) are small.  The main concession stand opened at 10am and closed around 3 or 3:30 each day.  I found one water spigot on the outside of a building in the entire place.   The building that houses Goodyear, Hoosier & Kumho is nice although the area very congested.  Only one way in/out.  Not much turn-around room.

Spectating - There was only one area open for spectators.  The outside of turns one and two.  From inside the paddock you had to drive about 3 miles around the perimeter of HPT to even get there.  There were no restrooms (or even porta pots) available, no concession stand and no PA system.   Not having a PA system available was an added bonus though since the announcer was awful.  It appeared that he was sitting in a little room watching the races on a monitor and trying to commentate on the races.  It did not work well.  About every other word out of his mouth was “Holy Topeka”.  I think most of the people there would have hog tied & gagged him if they could actually find him.  HPT would do well to hire the announcing staff from Mid Ohio.  Rusty, Brian & Scotty do an excellent job.  They know racing, the competitors and cars.

The TRACK - I have not talked to a driver yet who liked the layout of the track.  It was slow, not many places to pass, dirty (when a car went off - stones got thrown on the surface, which resulted in a lot of punctured tires during the races).

The Run-Offsâat HPT have potential, but a lot of changes that need to made to make this event what it should be.  THE BEST.   I hope that the powers that be at SCCA will listen carefully to the driver/worker input and make the necessary changes.

NeDiv Mini Con

The Northeast Division Mini Con is being put on by the South New Jersey Region.  It will be held on Nov. 10-12, at the Clarion Hotel in Cherry Hill, NJ.

Golden Harvest Double Regional

It was a great event, although the turn out could have been better.  We had 89 entrants.  We had plenty of specialty workers.  Weather was good on Saturday, but no so good on Sunday.

I wouldl like to thank my chiefs.  Registrar - Dorothy Harrington, Chief Steward - Sarah Bonnier, Ass’t Chief Stewards: Operating - Pete Esposito,  Jim Farrar,  Duane Harrington , Deb LaFond, Safety - Barry Kaplan, Matias Bonnier, Tech - Don Baker , Driver Advisor - Donna McDonough, Stewards of the Meet: ChairmanDave Gomberg, Jim Green,  Ed Hughes , Art James,  Timing & Scoring - Les Walter ,  Scrutineers - Jonathan Beck & Maurice LaFond, Starter - Cliff McCandless , Pit - Bill Stewart , Grid - Tait Hilbert,  Sound - Frank Zuppan,  Course Marshall - Pie Schoeneman ,  EMS - Dave Browning, Flag & Communications - Lauri Burkons , Pace Car Drivers - Greg Alley and Reed Kryder

Membership Report

We have about 200 members including dual members.

Happy Birthday Wishes to:

Greg Alley    11/9
Kyle Barnhouse    11/29
Cynthia Gabri    11/30
Sonny Libecco    11/9
Kathyrin Pintaric   11/7
Dinah Rhodeback   11/26
Mack Stambaugh   11/6

November Renewals

Matias Bonnier
Fillipo Caruso
Craig Chima
Charles Genaro
Tony Mikolich


Free to Mahoning Valley, Neohio, Misery Bay, Steel Cities and Western New York Regions members.  Ads will run 3 consecutive times (asterisks at the beginning of the ad indicates how many times the ad has run).  Ads must be resubmitted after their 3rd run.

* FOR SALE: 1990 Chevrolet Suburban 350 CID Engine, 4 Wheel Drive, 8 Passenger / 3rd Seat 144,000 Miles, AM/FM Radio, Cassette Player, Electric Windows, Electric Mirrors, Air, New Muffler & Exhaust System, Tow Package with Electric Brake.   $2950.00 - OBO. Phone: 330.447.1969.    Email:

* FOR SALE:  F-PROD Fiat X/19 96% complete, needs wired, plumbed, and safety gear. 4 engines, 3 trannys and lots of parts. Oh yea, and 1 complete running street legal x/19 in pretty good shape. solid investment, worthy project, needs completed.  Contact Eric Avendutti  H 440-238-3330, W 330-725-3999

* FOR SALE: GTech Pro RR, Never Used.  Still in box.   $240.00.  Call Reed Kryder 330-854-4889.

* FOR SALE:  Six Penske 8100 Series shocks.  Very good condition.  Freshly rebuilt.  Call 330-854-4889 or visit for details.

* FOR RENT: ITS Nissan 240SX or ITA NX2000 for Regionals or Driver Schools. Kryderacing - 330-854-4889.

*** WANTED:  5 HP Briggs-Stratton or Tacumsa motor for a Go-Kart.  Call Filippo Caruso 330-758-0614

*** FOR SALE:  Motec M48 Engine Management System.  Call 330-854-4889 for details.

*** RACE CAR PREP:  Kryderacing offers race car preparation, chassis set up, trackside services, race car transportation, etc.   Check out their Website

TRACK is the official monthly publications of the MAHONING VALLEY REGION of SCCA INC.

Material herein may be reprinted, provided it is clearly credit to the author, to MAHONING VALLEY REGION and to TRACK.

Opinions expressed in this publication are those of anyone who cares to submit them and not necessarily those of MAHONING VALLEY REGION.

Articles and items for publication are welcomed by the Editor of TRACK and must be received no later than the 15th of the month for inclusion in the subsequent month’s newsletter.