Minutes of the March Membership Meeting - Chris Turkali

March Meeting was called to order at 8:00 pm.

Meeting was attended by 6 people.

Membership report 207

R.E. Paul Morrison was not able to attend this months meeting. So Assistant R.E. Chris Turkali substituted.

Chris Turkali called about the car show at the Eastwood Mall, and was told there was nothing on the calendar as of February 23rd. However the car show did take place in the second week of March.

Conversation took place about the MVR's driving school that is going to take place in April. If there is anyway to improve upon it, being as last years' school went off so well. One suggestion was to mark the correct apex of the corners with pylons to give drivers better reference points. Any other suggestions should be brought up at Aprils meeting.

RE REPORT - Paul Morrison

I have just gotten back from the NeDiv Roundtable and there are several items that I want you all to be aware of.

The first is a suggestion from the Western New York Region that each region in the NeDiv make a $100.00 donation to the SCCA Foundation to honor Theresa Boden, a National staff member, who recently died in a traffic accident. I will be asking the MVR Board of Directors to approve this and would ask any other members who care to do the same.

From the various training sessions I have the following items:

Tech: All master switches on race cars, especially those on IT and other alternator equipped cars must be wired to break the main battery lead, the ignition and the alternator lead to safely turn off the car. The magnetic field will build up as the engine is run at higher speeds and provide enough voltage to the ignition to keep the car running, even if the master switch is in the off position. The location of the master switch and fire bottle or fire system activator should be in reach of both the driver and the corner worker.

Seat belt mounting points and straps must be in line with pull of the belt without any bends.

No Circle E sticker is needed for hand held fire bottles, but they should be in a conspicuous spot.

All cars are required to have a tow loop or circle that a 2" diameter ball can pass thru.

Timing: I was able to sit in on the Orbitz training session and I now have an idea on how the timing and scoring and the AMB transponders work. If you know of anyone into computers, especially younger members, this is a great area for them to get involved with SCCA racing.

The new performance driving program is taking shape and looks like a lot of fun.

Chris Turkali and Glenn Miller attended also and their reports will cover some other sessions.

See at the Safety Day April 16,17 and our drivers school April 23, 24.

Have a safe and successful race season.


Come on out. This is MVR’s first event of the year.

Entries have been mailed and drivers are registering for the school.

As always, we need workers. Bill Pintaric is the Chief Instructor.

We need help in the following areas:

Pit Lane
Corner Workers
Timing & Scoring
Fire & Rescue

This is an excellent time to learn. Lunches are provided Saturday and Sunday and dinner is served on Saturday night along with beer and pop.

Membership Report - Sandi Kryder

As of the report received on March 15 we have 203 members .

Welcome back David Pintaric.

Just a reminder the following members had renewals due in April

Jennifer Badger
The Hal Baker Family
Ray & Barb Barnhart
Mikek & Pat Besselman
Tora Bonnier
Krissy Eash
Mark Fickenscher
Coreen Lesky
John McGill
Julia Raccio
Robert & Ruth Soltis
The Vernis Family

The following were due in March

Nina Caruso
Tim Cook
Constantin Gheorghe
Lois Johnston
The Kafantaris Family
Deirdre Mallet
Joe Mannozzi
Judson Martt
Gerald Morris
Bert & Mary Margaret Pharis
Jay Rife
Bill Sovik Jr.
The Walton Family

Happy Birthday to the following members whose birthdays are in April

Thomas Bumgardner 4/15
Pat Cavanaugh 4/3
Gary Cheney 4/3
Vic Marsh 4/30
Doug Marsh 4/14
Vicki Nutter 4/19
Holly Royal 4/17
Tim Walton 4/14
David Widomski 4/28




This year’s Tech and Physical Day will be on Sunday, April 3, 2005. With many thanks to Fred Baker, we will be holding this event at the Fred Baker Porsche & Audi Dealership. For those who are unfamiliar with the location, the address is 19400 Rockside Road in Bedford, Ohio 44146.

Please call me to find out a good time for you to arrive with your competition vehicle. We try to avoid a parking lot full of trailers and tow vehicles. If your not sure if your car will be ready for this date, please call for a time anyway so we can anticipate you being there. If you do not show up that would be one less vehicle in the parking lot. Please contact Don Harrington for a “time slot” to have the vehicle tech. You may contact me by phone at 216-671-5264 or by email at

The Tech staff will be there between 12:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. to make sure your vehicle is safe for racing. This is better for both the Tech team and the drivers. For one, the drivers can find out if they need to fix a problem or if they overlooked new safety feature(s) required by the new General Competition Rule Book (GCR). Also, The Tech team will not be “bogged” down on Friday evening and Saturday mornings prior to “Cars on Track”.

At this event, you may also take advantage of the “Mobile Medical Unit” by getting your mandatory physical. Please review the physical forms sent to you from S.C.C.A. to verify if your physical is required for your age and bring them with you as we may not have enough on hand to pass out to all the drivers. Dr. Michael Saddleton will be performing the physicals from 12:00 p.m. until 4:00 p.m. No “appointment” is necessary for the physicals as each physical may take different lengths of time. The physicals will be on a first come, first serve basis. Although there is “no charge” for the physical, we request that a minimum donation of $50.00 be made to help cover the cost of the “Mobile Medical Unit’s” use and the additional proceeds will be donated to the Nelson Ledges Road Course for improvements. If you bring a vehicle to have teched, please advise someone that you would like to take a place in the physical line and if possible that some people could move your car through the line at the same time.

For more information, directions to the dealership and to make an appointment for a vehicle tech inspection contact Don Harrington at the phone number or email address detailed above.

Hope to see many of you there.


Two of our members went to the Memphis National on March 19-20.

Mike Olivier and David Pintaric. This was Mike’s very first National. He races a Honda Civic in SSC. Mike finished 4th.

David races a Corvette in T1. One of his T1 buddies from Memphis is being transferred to Puget Sound WA. Brad is in the Navy and will be going to school since his next assignment is Captain of a nuclear sub.

Any way, David wanted to race against his buddy one more time before he moves. The T1 drivers were racing nose to tail for most of the race. David finished 3rd. Lost 2nd by a nose.

Way to go Mike & David

I must say the MidWest Div puts on very laid back races compared to the sometimes over officious NeDiv and CenDiv races - not saying there way is better, it is just different. Upon getting your sticker (they don’t have to use wristbands) your are free to move about. No one ever ask to see your credential again. Not once did I have to show it to get thru the gate to the pits of course being trained in NeDiv I had my pass around my neck at all time. The event was a spectator event and free to all. The BBQ on Saturday night was great. Got to watch drag racing for free too.

Next outing for Mike will be the MVR National in May. David’s next race is the Summit Point National on April 2-3.

Other MVR drivers going to the Point are:

Bill Pintaric, Gary Martz and Amy Ruman

Good luck to all.


All I can tell you is that it is April 16th or 17th. No information on this day has been sent to MVR.

Anyone interested in attending might try calling Nelson Ledges - 440-548-8551 to see if they have info on it.

Or check MVR’s website -


Free to Mahoning Valley, Neohio, Misery Bay, Steel Cities and Western New York Regions members. Ads will run 3 consecutive times (asterisks at the beginning of the ad indicates how many times the ad has run). Ads must be resubmitted after their 3rd run.

* FOR RENT: ITS Nissan 240SX or ITA NX2000 for Regionals or Driver Schools. Call Kryderacing at 330-854-4889.

* RACE CAR PREP: Kryderacing offers race car preparation, chassis set up, trackside services, race car transportation, etc. Check out their Website

TRACK is the official monthly publications of the MAHONING VALLEY REGION of SCCA INC.
Material herein may be reprinted, provided it is clearly credit to the author, to MAHONING VALLEY REGION and to TRACK.
Opinions expressed in this publication are those of anyone who cares to submit them and not necessarily those of MAHONING VALLEY REGION.
Articles and items for publication are welcomed by the Editor of TRACK and must be received no later than the 15th of the month for inclusion in the subsequent month’s newsletter.

Ad Rates for TRACK (on a per month basis) - Full Page $50.00, Half Page $30.00, Quarter Page $20.00, Business Card $10.00, Classifieds are free to SCCA members of MVR, NEO, STC, WNY or MBR for three insertions (designated by *). All other SCCA members free for 1 insertion after that $5.00/insertion prepaid.